Dental x-rays are a necessary tool in diagnosing dental problems and treatment planning. Many issues that can be seen with x-rays, including tooth caries (cavities), root tips/fragments, fractures, bone loss, pathology/cysts, impactions and so much more are not visible to naked eye. At Dynamic Dental Wellness of Ashburn, our goal is to minimize your exposure to dental x-rays by offering very low dose digital x-rays, which are the safest x-rays you can have!
Estimated Exposure Units (in milliSieverts=mSv)
High Dose Medical X-Rays
Medium Dose Dental/Medical X-Rays
Low Dose X-Rays
**Digital Radiography offered at Dynamic Dental Wellness**
At Dynamic Dental Wellness of Ashburn, we utilize thyroid collar protective aprons on all patients to further minimize radiation exposure, as recommended (but not required) by the American Dental Association. Our equipment is also evaluated on a regular basis to ensure the radiation dosages are correct and that there is minimal risk of exposure to other areas of the body.