Unbelievably, there are over 50 different kinds of nuts in the globe, yet only around 20 of them are thought to be safe for humans to eat.
All things considered, nuts are a very nutrient-dense diet with some incredible—yet usually disregarded—health advantages. They are high in protein, satisfying, and a fantastic source of good plant-based fats.
Learn more about the health benefits of nuts and discover the top ten nuts for your diet.
Nuts are characterized as edible seed kernels with a tough shell. This distinguishes them from other seed varieties that have a softer shell or develop inside a fruit, such as sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
(In case you ever want to impress someone with your expertise, all nuts are technically seeds, but not all seeds are nuts.)
Although each nut has its own special advantages, the seeds we generally call nuts have comparable qualities regardless of the formal grouping.
For instance, the majority of nuts are excellent sources of fat, protein, and fiber. This blend gives you sustained energy, makes you feel content and full, and may aid in managing or losing weight. Another heart-healthy item that may potentially help reduce the risk of heart disease is nuts.
Nuts are also high in minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids, which support the health of your skin and body as a whole.
In summary, you should start eating nuts on a regular basis if you haven't already! In particular, the best options to adhere to
Almonds have many advantages. Their high vitamin E content—the greatest of any nut—is one of their most notable qualities. Actually, nearly 45% of the daily value (DV) for vitamin E may be found in just one ounce of almonds.
One essential antioxidant nutrient is vitamin E. It is necessary for healthy, youthful-looking skin and helps shield your cells from damage caused by free radicals. Eating it in the form of almonds may even help minimize wrinkles.
It has also been proven that incorporating eating almonds regularly can assist with dropping cholesterol levels , hbA1c which is a blood test that shows your sugar level over the past 2-3 months, and the fiber that is inside of the almonds also assist your digestive health – which aid the good bacteria in your gut.
Without any hesitation, walnuts are the best nuts for your brain.
They have been proven to decrease neuroinflammation, Neuroinflammation is the inflammation of the central nervous system. Since walnuts contain strong antioxidants with anti-inflammatory qualities. Also, walnuts contain a remarkable amount of copper (50 percent of the DV in a 1-ounce serving), which is necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters. As a result, a number of studies suggest that taking 1-2 ounces of walnuts daily may help preserve brain function and lower some risk factors for dementia.
Not only are walnuts best for your brain but also are good to intake for your heart as well. It has been shown that walnuts assist with decreasing blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and triglycerides, which is the lipid- also known as fat found in your blood.
Did you know the word pistachio originated from the Greek word “pistákio”- which means the green nut!
Pistachios differ from other nuts in that they contain all of the essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source. Pistachios are one of the greatest plant-based proteins because of this, which is somewhat uncommon in plant meals.
In addition to having fewer calories as well as fat than most other nuts, pistachios are one of the only nuts that have high amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein. These two substances are essential for good vision and are members of the carotenoids, a group of antioxidants.
Pistachios have also been shown to promote brain function, assist with gut health, as well as help with weight loss.
One important mineral that many people need is magnesium, which cashews are especially high in. Magnesium is essential for healthy muscles and nerves as well as for mood, brain function, and the quality of sleep.
Magnesium is a necessity to keep strong and healthy bones, along with calcium and vitamin D. Since cashews also contain vitamin K, which has been connected to a lower risk of bone fractures, they ranked as one of the healthiest nuts for your bones.
According to some studies, cashews may be beneficial in reducing blood pressure. Regular consumption may also help lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which are two more heart disease risk factors.
An energy-boosting mix of protein and healthy fats, as well as fiber that supports a healthy digestive system, can be found in pecans.
They also include a decent amount of zinc, a mineral that your body needs for DNA production, immune system function, and healthy, youthful-looking skin. It has been found in research to have anti-acne benefits and even to help cover skin from UV radiation.
Antioxidants are also greater in pecans than in many other nuts. They are very high in gamma-tocopherols. Gamma- tocopherols are a specific kind of vitamin E.
It has been proven that pecans assist with high benefits for the health of the heart – such as assistance with dropping LDL; bad cholesterol and pecans can also assist with decreasing triglycerides as well.
Hazelnuts are very nutritious, and almost all of their fat is heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. They rank in the healthiest nuts to eat on an everyday basis because, like pecans, they are incredibly rich in antioxidants.
Vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant, as you may recall, is present in fair amounts in hazelnuts. They also contain gallic acid, caffeic acid, epicatechin, and quercetin, among other antioxidants. They have a strong ability to resist inflammation and damage by radiation because of this combination.
As you can see, hazelnuts have an important manganese content as well. Manganese is a trace mineral that is necessary for a healthy brain, nervous system, and bones, however you don't hear much about it but is great information to know.
Did you know that Brazil nuts are known for the amount of Selenium they carry?
Selenium is essential mineral you can get from a variety of different foods including seafood, nuts, and Brazil nuts. Benefits of selenium include; supporting a healthy immune system, boosts thyroid health, potentially help fight cancer, assists antioxidants do their job, and is essential for your skin as well by protecting it against UV damage.
Brazil nuts are a decently sized and you only have to intake 1-2 Brazilian nuts to get the amount of selenium you need for a day.
Keep in mind that if you intake too much selenium it can lead to common symptoms such as nausea, skin rashes, and diarrhea but is more common to happen with the intake of too many supplements but it is good to take precaution while eating Brazil nuts.
Studies show that macadamia nuts are one of the healthiest nuts you can consume.
Keep in mind that nuts are filled with unsaturated fat, which is more beneficial and less toxic to the heart than, say, the saturated fat that exists in red meat.
For example, evidence indicates that macadamia nuts are just as beneficial as other tree nuts at decreasing levels of both total and LDL; bad cholesterol. They can improve blood sugar and glucose levels and assist in lowering triglycerides.
Chestnuts are more common to be seen around the holiday - Make a note to try chestnuts if you haven't already! Packed with vitamins and minerals, this seasonal staple is among the lowest fat nuts you'll discover.
Although chestnuts are the lowest fat described nuts, they include Antioxidants such as polyphenols, lutein, and zeaxanthin are also unexpectedly strong in chestnuts. Which can result in protecting your health and protecting your vision as you age.
Fun fact about peanuts they technically are not nuts – Crazy right! Peanuts are classified as part of the legume family, which also includes beans and peas, and unlike the other nuts listed, they grow underground.
However, since due to the health benefits peanuts offer , peanuts made it on this list of the healthiest nuts, despite its name does contain the word "nut."Lowering cholesterol and improving other heart health indicators, such as triglycerides, is one of the main advantages of peanuts. Eating peanuts at least twice a week may in fact lower the risk of heart disease by up to 19%, according to a large study.
It's interesting to note that peanuts are also a good source of substance that may help lower stress and improve brain function.
As mentioned earlier the Brazil nut is recommended to take small portions due to the high selenium it offers; with 1-2 Brazil nuts you can intake all the benefits you need! As for the rest of these nuts there is no correct answer as to how many nuts you should intake a day but has been proven that intaking 1-2 ounces; approximately a hand full or two - per day - is a good amount to still receive all the benefits eating nuts have to offer.