Dynamic Dental Wellness | Soft Tissue Laser, Mercury Free and LAFTR (Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release)

Are You Afraid about BPA in Dental Fillings? What You Should Know

October 31, 2023

Some people may counter any concern about the mercury in amalgam fillings by saying, "But I heard that tooth-colored fillings contain BPA," as if this somehow disproves the safety of amalgam fillings.

And yes, it is true that the majority of composite resins on the market today do contain this endocrine disruptor or its related substances. Over 86% of the 130 products that its authors examined in a recent study were built using BPA compounds. There were only 18 composites that lacked these substances.

This is obviously of some worry, especially since these materials are used not only for fillings but also for sealants, which are frequently suggested for kids who are at high risk of tooth decay. The development of the brain and reproductive systems may be impacted by BPA, according to research. Early puberty, metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes, heart disease, infertility, thyroid malfunction, and some malignancies are just a few of the issues that exposure to this chemical has been related to.

The good news is that your body can effectively eliminate BPA under normal conditions. The bad news is that we may not be able to clear it as efficiently because we are all exposed to so much of it each day. BPA is a fat-soluble substance that can build up in your body's fatty tissues.

In actuality, there is detectable BPA in over 90% of us.

To sum up, we should try to limit our exposure to radiation, even during dental procedures.

Jess Clifford, a materials expert and expert in biocompatibility, has identified 7 goods as "free of Bis-Phenol A in any form, whatsoever, bound or unbound":

Just a few are; 

  • Diamond Crown
  • Diamond Flo
  • Diamond Link
  • Venus Diamond
  • Venus Diamond Flo
  • Venus Pearl
  • Visalys Temp


There are an additional 14 items that are advertised as "free of dissociable, easily released, or ionizable BPA": 

  • Admira
  • Clearfil
  • Concise
  • Esthet-X-HD
  • Filtek Supreme
  • Filtek Supreme XT
  • Filtek Z-250
  • Grandio SO
  • Herculite XR
  • Kalore
  • Point 4
  • Premise Indirect
  • Vertise Flow
  • Z-100


Although they might contain derivatives like bis-GMA or bis-DMA, Clifford continues, the energy required to release the BPA inside is "typically not commensurate with life."

We only use fluoride- free and BPA-free filling materials at our office. (Yes, fluoride is also present in some composites.) To decide which of those would be most suitable for filling teeth, additional testing can be done and should be done in the case of patients with chronic illnesses or chemical sensitivities. (No one material works best for all repairs or situations.)

Ceramic is another alternative. It is BPA-free, widely biocompatible, and suitable for crowns as well as inlays and onlays.

And if you or your child has already received non-BPA-free fillings or sealants? There is little benefit to having them removed, unlike mercury amalgam. The majority of BPA exposure occurs during the placement of fillings or sealants. Research has repeatedly demonstrated that although BPA levels may initially be high, they quickly decline. One of the most recent types of research discovered that after 7 days, salivary BPA levels were almost negligible.

The most important thing moving forward is to confirm that any fillings or sealants you use are truly BPA-free.

Contact us to make an appointment today!