Dynamic Dental Wellness | Soft Tissue Laser, Mercury Free and LAFTR (Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release)

Top 5 Tips for Deep, Blissful Sleep at Night

January 12, 2023

Top 5 Tips for Deep, Blissful Sleep at Night

  1. Lower the Temperature
  • Your body naturally cools down as you sleep, so lowering the thermostat to 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit can “trick” the body into falling asleep faster. 
  1. Get Sunlight Daily
  • Studies show that getting more sunlight, especially in the morning, can help your body regulate its sleep cycle.
  1. Use Blue-Light Blockers
  • When your body is exposed to blue light from a computer, TV, and phone, it sends signals to your brain to stay awake because your body interprets this light as a sign that it’s daytime.
  1. Avoid Melatonin Overdose
  • A lot of people take high amounts of melatonin to fall asleep, but it does more harm than good to your body. 
  • Studies show that taking too much melatonin can “burn out” your melatonin receptors. 
  • If you take melatonin to fall asleep, then take a small amount of 1-3 mg and make sure it comes from a trusted source.
  1. Restore Mineral Imbalance
  • New studies show that a lot of people could be suffering from a toxic overdose of calcium in their bodies. This overdose can mess up the production of natural melatonin and GABA in your body and floods your body with stress.
  • An easy way to balance calcium in our body is to take pure, full-spectrum magnesium.
  • Magnesium helps to balance calcium levels in your cells and lowers your stress levels. 

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