Dynamic Dental Wellness | Soft Tissue Laser, Mercury Free and LAFTR (Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release)

Important Facts About Oral Systemic Health

November 30, 2022

  1. Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammatory disease and have an effect on your systemic health. After the gingivitis stage of periodontal disease, it can no longer be cured but needs to be treated and maintained.
  2. Infections in your mouth can travel to your bloodstream, affecting your heart and circulatory system.
  3. There is a correlation between diabetes and periodontal disease. Diabetes causes a weakening of the immune system which make your body more prone to infection. The gums can be at increased risk for gum disease and infection. Once the infection accumulates in the mouth, diabetic patients will have a hard time controlling blood sugar levels. 
  4. Half of all American adults have some degree of periodontal disease. 
  5. Gum disease and tooth loss increases the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. The infections in the mouth caused by periodontal disease travel through the bloodstream and to the brain. Studies show that adults with infections in the mouth were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. 
  6. Oral bacteria are found in brain tissue, heart vessels, joints, and many other parts of the body. The mouth and oral cavity are focal points for the interaction of the body with the external environment. 
  7. There is a correlation between periodontal bacteria and hypertension. Periodontal disease increases the risk for high blood pressure by three times. The risk is higher if there is active bleeding in the gums. 
  8. Pain is a top oral health issue for young adults, and it is not normal. Only 30% of young adults had visited the dentist within a year.
  9. Poor nutrition can affect your teeth. Foods that are high in sugar, acids, and carbs weaken the tooth enamel and cause decay which leads to infection. 
  10. There is a correlation between oral health and cardiovascular disease. Periodontal disease is directly linked to artery inflammation. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases with every tooth lost. Proper oral hygiene reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. 

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