Dynamic Dental Wellness | Soft Tissue Laser, Mercury Free and LAFTR (Laser Assisted Functional Therapeutic Release)

10 Best Foods for Healthy Aging and Longevity

April 5, 2022

Longevity isn't merely a result of good genes; our lifestyle choices have a significant impact on how long we live. Many of the elements that will determine the quality and quantity of our years on this planet are controlled by the daily decisions we make about nutrition, fitness, sleep, and other health choices.

-Natural foods, especially when consumed raw, are the richest source of vitamins and minerals that promote longevity. To retain the most nutrients, microwave or steam veggies with as little water as possible.

  • Kale:  abundant in flavonoids, which have been shown to destroy cancer cells.
  • Berries: They not only prolong life, but they also improve the quality of life in later years. The most essential antioxidants are anthocyanins, which are vital for brain function, balance, and muscular retention.
  • Whole Grains: Maintain cardiovascular health. They're high in fiber, which is believed to help lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, which can help prevent diabetes. 
  • Beets: contain betaine and anthocyanins, this has been shown to decrease inflammation and protect cells against aging.
  • Sweet Potatoes: contain beta-carotene which contains heart-healthy Vitamin A. It is also very good for skin health. 
  • Avocados: a rich supply of mono-saturated fat and a high quantity of folate, which aids in DNA cell repair 
  • Garlic: It's high in natural sulfur compounds, which might help improve your immune system and maintain your heart in good shape. 
  • Tomatoes: significant source of lycopene, which is a fat-soluble nutrient that is helpful for eyesight and protects against stomach, lung, and prostate cancers 
  • Broccoli: packed with sulforaphane and other antioxidants that help to protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals
  • Jicama: a slightly sweet and crisp root vegetable high in potassium, which helps to reduce high blood pressure.

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